Buggy Raptor 1500 V4.0 1-03-20 – New version

Beautiful design, more than 100 clients, photos and videos made by the buggy according to our drawings, simplicity of design, reliable information. What pipe is used and the number of pipes available components VAZ 2108 – 2112 and materials. Drawings updated in 01-3-20.

Since you are reading this text, it means that you are not indifferent to this model of a buggy with accessories VAZ 2108-12. Buggy Raptor 1500 is quite possible to assemble their own hands in his own garage. This is a double rear wheel drive car with a 8/16 valve engine VAZ 21083 1.5 liters or 1600 – 2500 cm cubic. and manual transmission. The carburetor (or injector) runs on AI-92/95 fuel. Steering rack and pinion type (no amplifier). Disc hydraulic brake system can stop the car, which accelerates to 120 km / h. Insurance is provided by a safety cage and four-point seat belts.

Overall dimensions: 3300/2000/1335 (L/W/H), the track is 1774 mm and the road clearance of 300 mm provides good throughput and stability of the car buggy when driving. The mass of a car in the equipped state is 800 kg.

Photo buggy model «Raptor 1500»

In the set (rar archives):

  1. Frame option 1 for more information. Number of pipes
  2. Frame option 2 – easier and improved
  3. Front suspension arms, levers assembly and detailing
  4. Photos of the conductors of the arms and rear suspension frame
  5. Photos in the process of assembly – visual information
  6. Photos of the general plan from different sides – visual information. Consider and understand what, where, how
  7. Drawings of options for finalizing the shock absorbers that we did are not a panacea), each in its own way approaches the issue of shock absorbers. There is a large field of activity
  8. Front knuckle. How to modify the serial knuckle VAZ 2108-099
  9. Sheet details of the cladding, detailed drawings, details are shown on the buggy photo. An alternative plastic cladding is shown – our client shared the drawings
  10. Sheet metal parts in a laser cutting format – you need to specify the thickness and number of parts when ordering laser cutting
  11. Rear suspension buggy, suspension arms – assemblies assembly and detailing. Rear pin in the version of the standard fist VAZ 2108-099
  12. Instructions for assembling the frame to comply with the geometry
  13. New photos of the buggy, from people who have already made the buggy according to our drawings. Installed the engine from the WHA, Audi, Lanos and other cars
  14. Other drawings with explanations (list of VAZ serial components, list of required minimum of tools, general list of components and parts for cost estimates)

Consultations of the author.
For an additional fee it is possible to purchase drawings of the conductors of the suspension arms and rear suspension frame.

More information on the frame and suspension you can see on the page Kit Car Raptor 1500

Video buggy «Raptor 1500»

Cost – 80 $

For those who purchased from us drawings of the buggy Raptor

We present you free advice on this set of drawings for building a car buggy:

  • What sizes of pipes indicated in the drawing can replace real pipes in their absence?
  • Which version of the Raptor 1500 frame is easier for a non-specialist to manufacture?
  • Where to order laser cutting? How fast is the order? In what format should the sheet part drawings be reformatted? This procedure for self-build buggy we can perform (if you do not own this program) for a small fee
  • Where to buy pipes – we offer a list of proven suppliers. Many companies selling pipes work on a 100% prepayment
  • Where it is possible to purchase used VAZ 2108 – 09 components of good quality and without financial risk
  • What can replace this or that part or a homemade buggy unit
  • For those who have purchased drawings from us – we offer a 5% discount on fiberglass seats (buckets)
  • With us you can purchase at moderate prices the tips of the steering rods and ball heads SA 12 – 16, caprolon and other components
  • Predict the build sequence of the frame buggy for ICE VAZ 2108-09
  • What is possible quickly and on time to purchase from us
  • Consultation with us – saving your time, there is no risk when ordering components and materials (verified suppliers)

Drawings of the Raptor 1500 buggy are constantly being improved by us (today version 3.0 of 2019 is relevant):

  • so that the frame for self-assembly had less weight
  • simplified construction and more affordable materials are used
  • for the minimum price you will receive drawings of the conductors for the assembly of levers, the front and rear suspension as a whole
  • recommendations on the engines used and installation on the buggy do it yourself
  • purchase from us components ready for installation on a buggy with 5 – 10% discount
  • You face any problem in the manufacture – we will help you to resolve the issue
  • from which materials it is possible to make the lining, from which the budget option is faster and easier

You are interested in the answers to these questions, so you made the right choice for applying for drawings in Avtoproject.

Those who wish to live in the process of constant drawing, in the endless creative process of making, reworking, eliminating errors – we wish success.
According to our drawings, more than a hundred cars were made, customers are satisfied


  1. Wojciech Szmyd

    Gdzie mogę go kupić i za ile złotych

  2. Neil Brooker

    How can i get drawings if the Buggy Raptor 1500

    1. AvtoProjekt

      Yes of course.
      Our e-mail: office@avtoproject.com


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